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25 Things in a Lifetime 

1.Travel to to Japan 

2.Learn French

3.Travel to Paris 

4.Travel to Greece

5 .Learn Italian

6.Build a robot

7.Fly a plane

8.See a volcano erupt 

9.Learn how to play piano

10.Go base jumping

11.Go to Bora Bora 

12.Complete the " the Heavanly Stairs " trek 

13.Travel to all 7 continents

14.Experience zero gravity

15Walk the Great Wall of China  

16.Go sky diving

17.Throw a dart at a map and travel to wherever it lands 

18.Go bungee jumping 

19.Go hiking in a rainforest

20.See the Great Pyramid of Giza

21.Visit Stonehenge 

22.See Machu Picchu

23.See the Roman Colosseum

24.See the Leaning Tower of Pisa

25.Visit the Taj Mahal




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